Additionally, the departure of managing editor Matea Gold to the _New York Times_ has added to the uncertainty. Gold, who was favored by staff for the executive editor role, was reportedly overlooked by Lewis. The newspaper's hiring agency also contacted former managing editors Kevin Merida and Steven Ginsberg, but neither expressed interest. The public nature of these hiring challenges suggests internal frustration with the current management and its AI-centric approach.
Key takeaways:
- The _Washington Post_'s pivot to AI is causing friction, with CEO Will Lewis asking editorial candidates to propose AI strategies for the newspaper.
- Two high-profile candidates, Cliff Levy and Anne Kornblut, withdrew from consideration for the executive editor position due to dissatisfaction with the AI-focused direction.
- Managing editor Matea Gold is leaving _WaPo_ for the _NYT_, raising concerns among staff about maintaining journalistic excellence.
- The publicized nature of the hiring process and candidate withdrawals suggests internal frustration with the newspaper's current management and direction.