At the Tokyo Game Show 2023, Capcom announced several new developments, including Dragon's Dogma 2, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy, Exoprimal, Monster Hunter Now, and Street Fighter 6. Tsujimoto also discussed the company's cautious approach to integrating artificial intelligence into game development, acknowledging the challenges that need to be addressed.
Key takeaways:
- Capcom's Chief Operating Officer, Haruhiro Tsujimoto, has outlined a strategy to deepen the connection between the worlds of movies and video games, leveraging Capcom's successful history of collaborating with the film industry.
- Capcom has established a dedicated film production company, Capcom Pictures, in 2022 to create more movies based on their gaming properties and expand its presence in Hollywood.
- Despite the potential benefits, Capcom remains cautious about integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into game development due to several challenges that must be addressed.
- At the Tokyo Game Show 2023, Capcom announced several exciting developments, including new games Dragon's Dogma 2, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy, Exoprimal, Monster Hunter Now, and Street Fighter 6.