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Catly does not use generative AI or contain NFTs, devs say

Dec 17, 2024 -
The article discusses the controversy surrounding the upcoming game _Catly_ by SuperAuthenti Co., which was showcased at The Game Awards. Speculation arose about the use of generative AI and blockchain technology in the game's photorealistic trailer. SuperAuthenti Co. clarified that neither AI nor blockchain was used in the game's production or trailer, despite connections to a web3 studio. However, questions remain about the game's technological innovations, unique cat feature, and its functionality on platforms like the Apple Watch. Further details are expected in 2025, along with the game's release on PC, Apple Watch, and Nintendo Switch.

Additionally, the article highlights Capcom's plans to revive dormant IPs, with new entries in the Okami and Onimusha franchises announced at The Game Awards. The piece also touches on rumors about the Nintendo Switch 2, with substantial leaks emerging on Reddit. Lastly, it mentions the release of Sonic X Shadow Generations, a remaster with a new Shadow-focused story, which serves as a sequel to Shadow the Hedgehog.

Key takeaways:

  • SuperAuthenti Co. clarified that its game, Catly, does not use generative AI or blockchain technology, despite initial speculation.
  • Catly is an open-world adventure game set to release in 2025 for PC, Apple Watch, and Nintendo Switch, but many details remain undisclosed until then.
  • Capcom announced new entries in the Okami and Onimusha franchises and plans to revive more dormant IPs.
  • Speculation about the Nintendo Switch 2 continues, with recent leaks suggesting substantial evidence of its development.
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