CBS News Confirmed was launched last year to identify AI-generated deepfakes and misinformation. Tarrant, who has previously built a team of journalists at Storyful to verify social media footage for a newswire, will oversee the unit's use of data and technology to verify and fact-check videos and reports. She has also researched disinformation and AI during two fellowships at Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center in 2020 and 2021.
Key takeaways:
- Rhona Tarrant has been hired by CBS News as the executive editor of CBS News Confirmed, a new verification and fact-checking initiative.
- Tarrant, who will start on April 1, has previously worked with the Google News Initiative and Storyful, training journalists on how to identify misinformation and disinformation.
- The CBS News Confirmed initiative was announced last year with the aim of identifying AI-generated deepfakes and misinformation, using data and technology to verify and fact-check videos and reports.
- Tarrant has a strong background in journalism and fact-checking, having built a team at Storyful that verified social media footage for a newswire serving major publications, and having researched disinformation and AI during two fellowships at Harvard University.