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ChatBotKit now supports Webhooks

Sep 12, 2023 -
ChatBotKit has introduced a new feature, webhooks, that allows customers to set up their applications to receive real-time event notifications. This feature is beneficial for business and marketing purposes as it enables users to automate their workflow, create innovative customer interactions, and keep track of application events.

The addition of webhooks is expected to enhance the overall ChatBotKit experience by providing customers with increased flexibility and control. The company appreciates its customers for choosing ChatBotKit as their conversational AI solution.

Key takeaways:

  • ChatBotKit now supports webhooks, a new feature that allows customers to set up their applications to receive events from ChatBotKit.
  • This feature enables customers to receive real-time notifications about any events, which can be beneficial for business and marketing purposes.
  • With webhooks, users can automate their workflow, create innovative ways of interacting with customers, and keep track of events within their applications.
  • The addition of webhooks is expected to enhance the overall ChatBotKit experience by providing customers with more flexibility and control.
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