OpenAI is set to launch the Android version of its app for ChatGPT next week, following its successful release on iOS in May. The announcement was made by Richard Lawler, a senior editor at The Verge who has been following news across various sectors including tech, culture, policy, and entertainment.
In addition to this, OpenAI has been actively involved in other significant AI developments. These include the biggest AI release since ChatGPT, updates to its API, and a commitment alongside Meta and Google to develop AI responsibly, as promised to the White House.
Key takeaways:
OpenAI is launching the Android version of the ChatGPT app next week.
The iOS version of the app was launched in May.
The announcement was made by Richard Lawler, a senior editor at The Verge.
Other recent news from OpenAI includes the biggest AI release since ChatGPT, updates to its API, and a promise to the White House to develop AI responsibly.