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ChatGPT should let you select the newest paragraph even as it streams in

Dec 30, 2023 -
The article by Zach Blume, dated Dec 14, 2023, discusses a problem and its solution related to text streaming in ChatGPT. The issue is that when a user tries to select a portion of the streaming text, the selection disappears each time a new character is added to the paragraph node.

Blume suggests a fix for this issue by making each character a React Fragment and assigning it an immutable key. This allows users to select text even as it's streaming in, thereby improving the user experience. A GIF is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of this solution.

Key takeaways:

  • The problem discussed is the disappearance of text selection when a new character is appended to a paragraph node in a streaming text, similar to how ChatGPT works.
  • A GIF is provided to demonstrate the issue of losing focus when selecting a paragraph as it's currently streaming in.
  • The proposed solution is to make each character a React Fragment and give it an immutable key, which allows text selection even as it's streaming in.
  • A GIF is also provided to show how using immutably keyed Fragments fixes this behavior.
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