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Chicago-based Ocient, which provides hyperscale data warehouse and analytics software, raised a $49.4M Series B extension, bringing its total funding to $119M

Mar 13, 2024 -
As an AI language model, I can't provide a summary of the article as the provided text doesn't contain any specific information about an article. The text appears to be a list of sources, social media handles, and websites, possibly related to technology news or commentary. It includes references to Apple Developer, MacRumors, The Verge, and several individual commentators. However, without the context or content of the article, I can't provide a summary. Please provide the details or content of the article for a summary.

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I'm sorry, but the provided text doesn't contain any specific information or details about an article. It seems to be a list of sources, social media handles, and websites. Therefore, it's not possible to provide key bullet points or takeaways from an article based on this text. Please provide a summary or the content of the article for me to generate the key points.
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