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China Steps Up Grey-Zone Warfare to Exhaust Taiwan, Report Says

Mar 07, 2024 -
China has escalated its grey-zone warfare against Taiwan, aiming to saturate the areas around the island with balloons, drones, and civilian boats, according to a report from Taiwan's defense ministry. The report, reviewed by Reuters, stated that Beijing has been using these irregular tactics to exhaust Taiwan without resorting to open combat, including increased patrols of ships and planes, and attempts to obscure the existence of the median line in the strait, an unofficial border between the two sides.

In response, Taiwan is working on measures to preserve its troops in the event of a war, including boosting the resilience of its infrastructure, running drills, stockpiling weapons and fuel, and diversifying its command systems. The island is also looking to incorporate more mobile and long-range weapons, as well as artificial intelligence, while strengthening ties with democratic allies, including the United States. The defense ministry has also announced plans to increase the number of missile drills and begin night-time exercises for pilots.

Key takeaways:

  • China has increased grey-zone warfare against Taiwan, using tactics such as balloons, drones, and civilian boats to saturate the areas around Taiwan, according to a report by Taiwan's defense ministry.
  • The report also stated that China has been using research and militia vessels to disguise military activities with civilians, and has been crossing the unofficial border between the two sides more frequently.
  • To counter these threats, Taiwan is working on measures to preserve its troops in the event of a war, including boosting the resilience of its infrastructure, running drills, stockpiling weapons and fuel, and diversifying its command systems.
  • Taiwan is also seeking to strengthen its connections with democratic allies, including the United States, and is learning from the conflicts in Ukraine and between Israel and Hamas.
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