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Choose Your Weapon: Survival Strategies for Depressed AI Academics

Apr 03, 2024 -
The article discusses the challenges faced by academic researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) due to the increasing dominance of corporate AI research powerhouses like Google DeepMind, OpenAI, and Meta AI. The authors argue that the vast resources available to these companies make it difficult for academics to compete, especially given the growing need for large-scale computational resources. They propose several strategies for academics to stay relevant, including focusing on niche research areas, analyzing existing models, working on smaller models, and collaborating with experts in other fields. The authors also suggest that academics could focus on problems that are currently overlooked or considered unimportant, as these could become significant in the future.

The authors highlight the importance of open and collaborative research, and express concern about the increasing commercialization and privatization of AI research. They argue that the current situation is not sustainable and call for a broader discussion on how to ensure that academic researchers can continue to contribute meaningfully to the field of AI. They also suggest that big tech companies and universities could do more to support academic research, for example by providing access to computational resources or fostering collaborations between academics and industry researchers.

Key takeaways:

  • The article discusses the challenges faced by AI researchers in academia due to the massive resources and capabilities of corporate AI research powerhouses like Google DeepMind, OpenAI, and Meta AI.
  • It suggests several strategies for academic researchers to stay relevant, including focusing on specialized application areas, analyzing existing models, working on smaller models, and trying things that are not supported by current theory or evidence.
  • The authors argue that while academia may not have the resources to compete directly with industry in terms of scale, it can still make significant contributions by exploring niche areas, providing critical analysis, and pushing the boundaries of what is considered possible.
  • They also highlight the importance of open discussion and collaboration in the academic community to improve their position and continue making meaningful contributions to AI research.
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