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Coca-Cola's New AI-Generated Soda Flavor Falls Flat

Sep 25, 2023 -
Coca-Cola's new AI-developed flavor, Y3000, has been met with negative reviews, with critics describing it as bland and lacking novelty. The drink, which was expected to offer a "futuristic flavor", instead leaves a vague aftertaste of berries and sugar, and lacks the excitement of other novelty flavors. The AI-generated soda also comes with an augmented reality experience, which has been criticized as being as underwhelming as the drink itself.

Despite the hype around the AI-developed flavor, both reviewers Kevin Hurler and Kyle Barr found the drink to be disappointing, with Barr stating that AI is notoriously bad at creating recipes. Coca-Cola's attempt to "explore the concept of what a Coke from the future might taste like" seems to have fallen flat, with the reviewers recommending sticking to the traditional flavors.

Key takeaways:

  • Coca-Cola has used artificial intelligence to develop a new flavor of its soft drink, called Y3000.
  • The flavor has been described as bland and lacking novelty, with a vague aftertaste of berries and sugar.
  • The Y3000 soda also comes with an augmented reality experience, which can be accessed by scanning the QR code on the bottle.
  • Despite the hype and marketing, the reviewers recommend not to drink Y3000, describing it as "all bark and no bite".
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