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Codegen, which plans to use AI to automate “codebase-wide” tasks like large migrations and refactoring, raised a $16M seed led by Thrive Capital

Nov 16, 2023 -
This is a Techmeme archive page from November 16, 2023, providing a snapshot of the site as it appeared at 12:20 PM ET. The page includes a roundup of top news from various sources including Google DeepMind, YouTube Official Blog, The Verge, SiliconANGLE, Android Authority, The Messenger, and Gizmodo among others. It also features posts from various Twitter handles and LinkedIn profiles.

The page also includes a section on sponsor posts, job opportunities in tech, and upcoming tech events. It provides a link to the most current version of the site and instructions on how to view earlier snapshots. The page ends with a section on more news and earlier picks from various sources.

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