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Coding Boot Gamp Graduates Find tough Prospects In an AI-Powered World - Slashdot

Nov 24, 2024 -
The job market for coding boot camp graduates is becoming increasingly difficult due to the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) tools and a decrease in job opportunities. Florencio Rendon, a construction worker who attended a coding boot camp, failed to secure a job in the tech industry, reflecting a broader trend where about 135,000 tech workers were laid off. AI tools like ChatGPT from OpenAI, which can be used as coding assistants, are becoming mainstream, shifting the outlook for coding jobs.

The number of active job postings for software developers has dropped 56% compared to five years ago, and for inexperienced developers, the drop is 67%. Boot camps across the country, such as Launch Academy in Boston, are pausing their courses due to low job placement rates. Experts have differing views on the future of coding careers, with Armando Solar-Lezama from MIT arguing that AI tools will lead to more and better software, while Zach Sims, co-founder of Codecademy, believes the job prospects for coding boot camp graduates are grim.

Key takeaways:

  • The job market for coding boot camp graduates is becoming increasingly difficult, with many struggling to find work due to layoffs in the tech industry and the rise of artificial intelligence tools like coding assistants.
  • Some coding boot camps have paused their courses due to low job placement rates, with one in Boston seeing rates drop from 90 percent to below 60 percent.
  • The number of active job postings for software developers has dropped 56 percent compared to five years ago, with a 67 percent drop for inexperienced developers. This is described as the worst environment for entry-level tech jobs in 25 years.
  • Despite the challenging job market, some believe that AI tools could be beneficial for programming careers, arguing that if coding becomes easier, more and better software will be created, and standards will increase.
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