Other companies are also leveraging AI for environmental initiatives. Red Sea Global is using AI to restore coral reefs by predicting growth rates, health, and recovery. The company uses tools like CoralNet and TagLab to estimate coral cover and evaluate coral growth. Cognizant Ocean, another company, is using AI to reduce the carbon footprint of the aquaculture industry. By using underwater cameras and sensors with machine learning and AI, the organization helps farmers understand their fish's behaviors and eating habits, reducing wasted feed and contributing to oceanic sustainability.
Key takeaways:
- CleanHub, a Berlin startup, uses AI to tackle marine plastic pollution by allowing local waste-management services to collect and properly dispose of nonrecyclable plastic.
- The company uses an AI-powered track-and-trace system on a mobile app where users can take a photo of their bags of nonrecyclable plastics and arrange a pickup, providing digital evidence of plastic that doesn't end up in the ocean.
- Other companies are also using AI for environmental initiatives, such as Red Sea Global, which uses AI to predict coral reefs' growth rates, health, and recovery, and Cognizant Ocean, which uses AI to reduce the carbon footprint of the aquaculture and fish-farming industry.
- Despite the success, challenges remain in scaling AI tech to generate more in-depth, high-quality data, keeping the app user-friendly, and adhering to different waste-collection methods and industry standards on a global scale.