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Content Vitaminizer: AI SEO Texts That Work

Jul 31, 2024 -
The article introduces an AI SEO tool called Content Vitaminizer, which uses Google Search Console data to generate enriched text fragments that target overlooked keywords, known as Hitchhiker Keywords. The tool aims to improve website traffic and user engagement by ensuring that the content fully covers the topic and user queries. It provides a unique set of Hitchhiker Keywords for each page, identifies missing queries, and creates complementary enriched texts.

The Content Vitaminizer also offers a metric called TextScore to evaluate the textual relevance of a page to the queries. It is suitable for anyone with a website and values organic traffic, requiring no in-depth SEO knowledge. The tool supports content in 11 languages and offers a free trial with quick page analysis and text generation.

Key takeaways:

  • Buddler's AI SEO texts work by using Google Search Console data to understand what content a site needs, identifying overlooked keywords, and generating content fragments that fully cover the topic and user queries.
  • The SEO AI Content Generation provides enriched text that complements the original content of a page, expands the topic semantics, and is optimized for the most promising Hitchhiker Keywords for SEO.
  • The Content Vitaminizer TextScore is a metric to evaluate the textual relevance of a page to the queries for which users already see the page in Google’s search results.
  • Buddler's SEO AI Content Vitaminizer is suitable for everyone who has a website and values organic traffic, providing quick page analysis and text generation, processing even the largest texts, and ensuring data security.
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