The RFM-1 platform allows for more natural interaction with robots, enabling them to react to text or voice commands and use training data to identify objects and determine the best course of action. The system can generate video outcomes or simulations to work out potential outcomes of an action, similar to human decision-making processes. Covariant's CEO, Peter Chen, believes that the platform will work with a majority of the hardware on which Covariant software is already deployed.
Key takeaways:
- Covariant has announced the launch of RFM-1 (Robotics Foundation Model 1), a platform that serves as a large language model for robot language.
- RFM-1 is designed to power future robots in various sectors including manufacturing, food processing, recycling, agriculture, and the service industry.
- The platform provides robots with the human-like ability to reason and understand language, allowing them to process real-world data and determine the best course of action for a given task.
- Covariant's RFM-1 platform can be controlled via a text field, where users can input a command like 'pick up the apple', and the system uses its training data to identify the object and determine the best course of action.