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Create Calendar Entries with Anthropic Claude 3.5

Aug 26, 2024 -
The author received a new schedule for their private jazz piano lessons from their teacher and decided to use an AI named Claude to help them input the dates into their calendar. The AI was able to accurately identify the dates from an image of the schedule and create an ICS (iCalendar) file with appointments titled "Jazz Piano Lesson" for each of the dates at 2:00 PM Pacific Time.

The author then imported the ICS file into their Google Calendar, and the appointments were imported perfectly. The author also tried the same process with another AI, ChatGPT, which was able to identify the dates but could not create the ICS file. However, it did provide Python code to create the file, and when asked later, it was able to show the content of the ICS file.

Key takeaways:

  • The author used Claude, an AI, to identify dates from an image of a schedule and create an .ics file for Google Calendar.
  • The .ics file contained appointments titled "Jazz Piano Lesson" for each of the identified dates, set for 2:00 PM Pacific Time.
  • The author successfully imported the .ics file into Google Calendar, creating the appropriate recurring events.
  • ChatGPT, another AI, was able to identify the dates but initially said it was unable to create an .ics file. However, it later provided the content of the .ics file when asked.
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