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Create Safari Start Page Shortcut

Sep 29, 2023 -
The article provides solutions to two issues related to Safari's start page and handling multiple tabs. The first solution involves using AppleScript code to emulate the "Show Start Page" option in Safari. The script sets the index of the current tab to 1, effectively displaying the Safari start page.

The second issue addressed is an error encountered when running AppleScript with multiple tabs open. The proposed solution involves using a different approach that doesn't rely on AppleScript to simulate menu clicks. Instead, System Events is used to directly interact with Safari's menu items. This approach is said to work more reliably even when multiple tabs are open.

Key takeaways:

  • The AppleScript code provided can emulate the 'Show Start Page' option in Safari.
  • The script sets the index of the current tab to 1, effectively showing the Safari start page.
  • The error 'The action 'Run AppleScript' encountered an error: 'Safari got an error: The command exited with a non-zero status' is likely caused by the AppleScript failing to send the 'Show Start Page' command when there are multiple tabs open.
  • A revised script uses System Events to interact with Safari's menu items, which should work more reliably even with multiple tabs open.
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