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Custom-trained chatbot for your website | Bottomright

Dec 10, 2023 -
Bottomright is an AI-powered chatbot that can be trained on your website data and added to your site in minutes. It is designed to automate customer support, making it ideal for solo founders or startups who may not have the resources for 24/7 customer service. The chatbot is trained with pages from your website, providing context-aware answers to customer queries. The integration process is simple, requiring only the entry of your website URL, selection of pages for training, and pasting of a generated code into your website.

The chatbot can be customized to match your brand and all conversations are accessible via a dashboard for insights and improvement. The free plan includes all AI features, the ability to train on three pages, and up to 100 messages per month. Paid plans, ranging from $9 to $99 per month, offer additional features and remove Bottomright branding.

Key takeaways:

  • Bottomright is an AI chatbot powered by OpenAI that can be trained on your website data and put customer support on autopilot.
  • The chatbot is easy to integrate with your website, requiring only the selection of training pages and pasting of generated code.
  • Bottomright offers customization options to match the look and feel of your website, and provides insights into customer interactions.
  • There are several pricing plans available, with the free plan offering most features including the ability to train on 3 pages and handle up to 100 messages per month.
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