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Cutting Through The Funding Frenzy: How To Hook Reporters With Your Story

Jan 16, 2025 -
Sarah Mattina highlights the challenges startups face in gaining media attention for funding announcements, especially as newsrooms shrink and reporters focus on larger funding rounds or well-known VC backers. To stand out, startups should craft a concise narrative that connects to industry trends and clearly articulates their unique position to drive change. Targeting mid-tier or industry-specific media outlets can be more effective for smaller funding rounds, as these reporters may have more interest and bandwidth to cover such stories.

Mattina advises startups to emphasize the broader context of their funding, focusing on how it will revolutionize their industry or address specific market needs. Highlighting unique aspects of investors, such as emerging managers or diversity-led investors, can also make a story more compelling. Additionally, aligning with current market trends, like the use of artificial intelligence, can increase media interest. By employing these strategies, startups can enhance their chances of capturing the media attention they seek.

Key takeaways:

  • Funding announcements under $100 million are unlikely to be covered by top-tier financial media, so targeting mid-tier or industry-specific outlets is recommended.
  • Reporters seek stories that show how a startup plans to drive change and innovation, rather than just focusing on the amount of funding raised.
  • Highlighting unique aspects of your investors can make your story more compelling, especially if you lack high-profile VC backing.
  • Positioning your company within current market trends, such as leveraging AI, can significantly increase media attention.
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