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DeepMind finds a way to study large model instabilities without a ton of GPUs

Sep 27, 2023 -
Researchers at Google DeepMind have published a paper detailing how they can study the training stability of large AI models without needing massive computational resources. By training smaller models and observing their behavior, they can gain insights that apply to larger models with billions of parameters. The researchers recreated instabilities seen in large models by training smaller ones with high learning rates, focusing on issues such as attention collapse and logit divergence. Techniques used to stabilize training for large models like GPT-3 were found to work equally well for smaller models.

The DeepMind team introduced a new metric, learning rate sensitivity, to measure how changes in the learning rate impact final performance after training. They studied the impact of various training techniques for transformers, such as longer warmup, independent learning rate and weight decay, scaling depth vs width, tracking model characteristics, and default optimization hyperparameters. The research shows that it's possible to gain significant insights into the training dynamics of large AI models without needing massive computational resources, opening up investigations to more researchers. However, further verification is needed to confirm findings at larger scales.

Key takeaways:

  • Google DeepMind researchers have found a way to study the training stability of large AI models without needing massive computational resources, by training smaller models and observing their behavior.
  • They recreated instabilities seen in large models by training small ones with high learning rates, focusing on issues such as attention collapse and logit divergence.
  • The researchers introduced a new metric called learning rate (LR) sensitivity, which measures how changes in the learning rate affect the final performance after training. They used this to study the impact of various training techniques for transformers.
  • This research shows that it's possible to gain insights into the training dynamics of large AI models without direct access to massive compute capabilities, which could open up investigations that previously relied on access to thousands of GPUs.
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