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Defense think tank MITRE to build AI supercomputer with Nvidia

May 07, 2024 -
A key supplier to the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies, MITRE, is partnering with chipmaker Nvidia to build a $20 million supercomputer. The goal is to expedite the deployment of artificial intelligence capabilities across the U.S. federal government, according to the MITRE think tank.

The project, backed by a federally funded, not-for-profit research organization, could enhance various sectors from Medicare to taxes. MITRE has been providing U.S. soldiers and spies with advanced technical products since the 1950s.

Key takeaways:

  • A key supplier to the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies is building a $20 million supercomputer with Nvidia.
  • The supercomputer is intended to speed up the deployment of artificial-intelligence capabilities across the U.S. federal government.
  • The project is being overseen by the MITRE think tank, a federally funded, not-for-profit research organization.
  • MITRE believes the project could improve a range of areas, from Medicare to taxes.
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