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Describe your ideal next job and let recruiters come to you

Aug 07, 2024 -
Candix is a platform primarily designed for individuals in the software industry based in the US or Europe. Users can create a profile even if they're not currently job hunting, as the platform allows profiles to be marked as inactive yet discoverable. The platform ensures user confidentiality by hiding profiles from current and previous employers and enforcing strict data security measures. Candix is free for users, generating revenue by charging recruiters for access to its talent pool.

The time it takes to receive a job opportunity on Candix varies based on factors like industry, location, and experience level. There is no selection process to join, but there is a review process to verify profile legitimacy. Users wishing to deactivate their profile can do so by contacting Candix's support team, with data deletion typically completed within seven business days.

Key takeaways:

  • Candix is a platform best suited for people in the software industry in the US or Europe, but it is open to anyone.
  • Users can mark their profile as inactive if they are not currently seeking job opportunities, but still remain discoverable to potential employers.
  • Candix ensures user privacy by hiding profiles from current and previous employers and enforcing strict confidentiality measures.
  • Candix is a free platform that makes money by charging recruiters for access to its talent pool.
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