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Diagnostic Robotics AI Advances Predictive, Personalized Medicine

Jul 17, 2023 -
Diagnostic Robotics, an Israeli startup, is making significant strides in the healthcare sector by using AI to improve predictive and personalized medicine. The company uses AI tools for statistical analysis and natural language processing to analyze large-scale data and patient visits, generating automated digital summaries and suggesting next clinical steps. The company's AI-powered triage system has been deployed in various hospital departments, and it has expanded its focus to population health management and preventive care.

The company's AI system has been successful in identifying patients at risk of future condition exacerbation and suggesting personalized interventions. For instance, it helped Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island generate a 4x cost savings per member and a substantial reduction in cost of care for engaged members. Diagnostic Robotics is also exploring generative AI to make medicine more personal and physicians more compassionate, using AI to suggest talking points to persuade patients to take recommended clinical steps.

Key takeaways:

  • Diagnostic Robotics is making significant progress in the field of AI and healthcare, expanding its scope from deploying AI-powered triage systems in hospitals to addressing population health management and preventive care.
  • The company uses AI tools for statistical analysis of large-scale data and natural language processing to suggest next clinical steps and predict possible future medical conditions.
  • Diagnostic Robotics has been successful in building personalized trajectories and clinical flows for patients, proactively treating them and helping healthcare plans focus on those that may become expensive in the future.
  • The company is now exploring generative AI to make medicine more personal and physicians more compassionate, using AI to suggest talking points to persuade patients to take recommended clinical next steps.
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