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Dot by New Computer

Jun 25, 2024 -
Sam, one of the creators of Dot, shares his one-year experience with the personal AI assistant he co-created with Jason. Initially, Sam used Dot as a personal assistant to manage his busy schedule as a founder, but over time, he found that Dot was more than just a tool for organization. Dot helped Sam realize the importance of delegation, leading him to hire someone to help with operations and project management.

When Sam shared the news of his pregnancy, Dot offered support and reassurance, helping him navigate the uncertainty. Sam initially thought that an AI assistant would simply automate tasks, but he found that Dot helped him to be more flexible and creative in his approach to life. The experience led Sam and Jason to develop a product that not only helps manage time but also aids in personal growth and self-understanding.

Key takeaways:

  • Sam and Jason created Dot, a personal AI assistant, to help manage their time and responsibilities.
  • Dot was able to learn and adapt to Sam's personal needs and preferences, such as his commitment to daily running.
  • Dot helped Sam realize he was taking on too much and needed to delegate tasks to his team, improving his work-life balance.
  • Dot's creators envision it as a tool that not only manages time but also helps users grow and understand themselves better.
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