The app, developed by Yong Gao, is 22.8 MB in size and falls under the Food & Drink category. It is compatible with iPhone and Mac, requiring iOS 17.0 or later and macOS 14.0 or later respectively. It also requires a Mac with an Apple M1 chip or later and visionOS 1.0 or later for Apple Vision. The app is free but offers in-app purchases, with monthly and yearly options available. The developer may collect data linked to the user's identity, including contact info, identifiers, usage data, and diagnostics.
Key takeaways:
- The Eatlicious app offers an extensive recipe library, interactive shopping list, step-by-step cooking instructions, and regular updates.
- The app is designed for both amateur cooks and culinary enthusiasts, aiming to simplify meal planning and cooking.
- The developer, Yong Gao, may collect and link data to your identity, including contact info, identifiers, usage data, and diagnostics.
- The app is compatible with iPhone, Mac, and Apple Vision, and offers in-app purchases.