The situation has added another layer to the ongoing feud between Musk and OpenAI, which began when the AI company switched to a capped-profit model and started accepting investments from Microsoft. Musk, who had envisioned OpenAI as an open-source, non-profit counterweight to Google, left the board in 2018 after a power struggle. If Sutskever were to leave OpenAI for another firm, it would mark a significant shift in the AI talent landscape.
Key takeaways:
- OpenAI chief scientist and cofounder Ilya Sutskever is in a state of limbo after helping to fire CEO Sam Altman, who was quickly reinstated with support from Microsoft and other investors.
- Elon Musk, who helped start OpenAI and was instrumental in recruiting Sutskever, has suggested that Sutskever should consider joining his AI venture, xAI, or Tesla.
- Musk has expressed disappointment with the direction of OpenAI, criticizing its partnership with Microsoft and its shift from an open-source, non-profit model to a closed-source, maximum-profit model.
- If Sutskever were to leave OpenAI for another company, it would be a significant development in the AI talent wars, given his key role in OpenAI's success.