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Empathy, a startup offering an AI-backed service to help users navigate the bereavement process, raised a $47M Series B, sources say at a nearly $400M valuation

Mar 12, 2024 -
The article appears to be a Techmeme archive page from March 12, 2024, providing a snapshot of the site at 11:30 AM ET on that date. The page includes top news from various tech sources such as Apple Developer, MacRumors, The Verge, Engadget, and more. It also features sponsor posts, information about hiring in tech, and upcoming tech events.

The page also provides links to more news and earlier picks from a wide range of sources, including Search Engine Land, MediaPost, Benzinga, and others. It also includes links to articles from Mediagazer and a section for forum discussions from MacRumors Forums. The page ends with a note about the page being an archive and instructions on how to view earlier snapshots.

Key takeaways:

I'm sorry, but the provided text doesn't contain any specific information or details about a particular topic or event that could be summarized into key points or takeaways. It seems to be a list of various tech news sources and sections of a website, not an article. Please provide an actual article or specific information to be summarized.
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