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Etsy launches ‘Gift Mode,’ a new AI-powered feature that generates 200+ gift guides | TechCrunch

Jan 24, 2024 -
E-commerce platform Etsy has launched a new AI-powered feature called "Gift Mode" that offers tailored gift ideas based on user preferences. The feature works like an online quiz, asking about the recipient's relationship to the user, the occasion, and their interests. It then generates a series of gift guides from over 100 million items listed on Etsy, centered around more than 200 different personas. The company plans to add new interests and personas over time in response to emerging trends. Etsy also introduced a "gift teaser" option to send a sneak peek of the item via email if the gift won't arrive in time for the event.

The new feature uses a combination of machine learning, human curation, and OpenAI’s GPT-4. Etsy hopes that Gift Mode will alleviate the stress of gift shopping, as 71% of respondents in a recent Etsy survey reported feeling anxious when shopping for gifts. The company has previously released other gift-related features, such as wedding and baby registries, and plans to continue investing in the gifting space and enhancing Gift Mode's capabilities over time.

Key takeaways:

  • Etsy has launched a new AI-powered feature called 'Gift Mode' that provides tailored gift ideas based on specific preferences such as the recipient's interests and the occasion.
  • The feature generates gift guides from over 100 million items listed on the platform, centered around more than 200 different personas.
  • Etsy's VP of Product, Tim Holley, stated that the new feature uses a combination of machine learning, human curation, and OpenAI’s GPT-4, and plans to add new interests and personas in response to emerging trends.
  • Etsy has also introduced a 'gift teaser' option where the buyer can send the recipient a sneak peek of the item via email, and plans to continue enhancing Gift Mode's capabilities over time.
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