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European Central Bank Research: AI Creating Jobs, but Wage Concerns Linger

Nov 28, 2023 -
The European Central Bank (ECB) has presented research showing that rapid AI integration is creating jobs, particularly for young and skilled workers. The study, which analyzed 16 European nations, found that AI-exposed industries had increased employment, especially in highly-skilled occupations. Despite concerns about AI reducing wages, the ECB research suggests "neutral to slightly negative impacts" on earnings, which could increase over time.

In the US, a study by shows that generative AI (GenAI) could transform almost all occupations. The study analyzed over 55 million job postings and found that GenAI could perform a significant portion of the skills required in 45.7% of jobs listed. However, the report emphasizes that AI's influence does not necessarily result in job losses; instead, it transforms and enhances various job functions. Despite concerns, researchers believe AI will not replace human workers but will enhance efficiency and productivity.

Key takeaways:

  • The European Central Bank (ECB) research shows that AI integration is producing employment, particularly for highly-skilled workers, in 16 European nations.
  • Despite concerns about AI reducing wages, the ECB research suggests "neutral to slightly negative impacts" on earnings, with the possibility of increasing over time.
  • Generative AI (GenAI) has the potential to impact nearly one in five jobs in the US, particularly in IT operations, mathematics, and information design, according to a study by
  • Experts believe that AI will not replace human workers but will enhance efficiency and productivity, and workers who master new AI tools can become more productive, leading to career advancements.
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