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European Union AI Act

Mar 18, 2024 -
The article discusses the European Union's recent AI Act, which aims to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to ensure their safe use and respect for human rights. The Act defines AI broadly to future-proof the legislation and categorizes AI systems based on risk levels, with varying degrees of regulation for each category. High-risk systems, such as automated hiring software and medical devices, are heavily regulated, while low-risk systems have transparency requirements. Unacceptable risk systems, including social scoring systems and facial recognition, are prohibited.

The Act also addresses the regulation of generative AI, splitting it into two tiers based on their potential impact and systemic risk. The legislation aligns with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and is seen as a first step in a long process of refining and interpreting AI rules in the EU. The article concludes that despite the fast pace of digital technology, the AI Act is a necessary and significant step towards ensuring the safe development of AI that respects human rights.

Key takeaways:

  • The European Union has introduced the EU AI Act, designed to protect individual rights and ensure AI is used safely and respects human rights.
  • The act is risk-based, with different levels of regulation depending on the risk associated with the technology. It categorizes AI systems into four risk categories: Unacceptable, High, Low, and Minimal Risk.
  • High-risk AI systems, such as automated hiring software and medical devices, are heavily regulated. Providers must prove they are managing the risk by providing documentation, allowing for human oversight, and being transparent about the system and its data.
  • The act is designed to work in conjunction with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and is seen as the beginning of a long process of refining and interpreting the rules governing AI in the EU.
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