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Excel automation and Python code generation AI assistant | Pyoneer

May 23, 2024 -
Pyoneer is an automation engineer that converts Excel files into Python. The process involves uploading an Excel file, which Pyoneer then uses to create a translation plan. It converts each formula into Python, checking its work as it goes, and the result is a fully automated and tested Python script that can be downloaded by the user.

The founding team of Pyoneer has a decade of experience in transitioning Excel files to Python, working with various companies from startups to insurance firms and banks. They are now using this knowledge to shape the future of Excel automation through Pyoneer.

Key takeaways:

  • Pyoneer is a tool that automates the conversion of Excel files to Python.
  • The process involves uploading an Excel file, creating a translation plan, converting formulas to Python, and downloading a fully automated Python script.
  • The founding team of Pyoneer has a decade of experience in transitioning Excel files to Python across various industries.
  • Pyoneer is looking to shape the future of Excel Automation.
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