Theseus embraces open standards like Apache Arrow, Apache Parquet, and Ibis for interoperability, and is not a proprietary siloed system. It can query data in any Apache Arrow-compatible data lake and feed data directly into many popular machine learning tools and frameworks. Voltron Data is bringing Theseus to market via partnerships, the first of which is with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). The company plans to expand Theseus partnerships and add more functionality in the future.
Key takeaways:
- Voltron Data has announced the new Theseus distributed query engine, designed to accelerate large-scale data pipelines and queries using GPUs and other hardware accelerators.
- Theseus is optimized for running distributed queries on large datasets of 10 terabytes or more, targeting companies with petabyte-scale data processing needs.
- Theseus embraces open standards like Apache Arrow, Apache Parquet, and Ibis for interoperability, and is not a proprietary siloed system.
- Voltron Data is going to market with Theseus via partnerships, the first of which is with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), bringing Theseus to the HPE GreenLake hybrid cloud platform.