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Experts react to report that AI could end humans

Mar 13, 2024 -
The US State Department commissioned AI startup Gladstone to conduct a risk assessment of AI, which found that AI could lead to human extinction. The report highlighted risks such as bioweapon development, cyber-attacks, and autonomous robots, and recommended the regulation of AI development and the establishment of an AI safety task force. The report also warned of the potential for AI to be weaponized and the risk of loss of control, which could result in mass-casualty events or global destabilization.

The report's findings have sparked varied responses from AI experts. Some, like AI researcher David Krueger, agree with the report's recommendations and call for proactive measures to address potential risks. Others, like AI investor Lorenzo Thione, disagree with the report's "alarmist" logic and argue that limiting research and advancement could stifle innovation. The report also suggests the creation of international safeguards and control of the supply chain, but critics argue that this is unlikely to be effective as countries that disregard regulation will continue to advance AI.

Key takeaways:

  • The US State Department commissioned an AI risk assessment from startup Gladstone, which found that AI could lead to human extinction due to risks such as bioweapons, cyber-attacks, and autonomous robots.
  • The report recommended that the government regulate the AI race and establish an AI safety task force to improve its own AI capabilities.
  • Experts have mixed opinions on the report's findings, with some agreeing with the potential risks and others arguing that the concerns are overblown and could stifle innovation.
  • Despite the report's recommendations, some experts believe that international cooperation is needed to effectively regulate AI, and that the US alone cannot control the global AI landscape.
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