Despite their ongoing feud, which escalated after Zuckerberg launched Threads, a rival to Musk's platform X, the two managed to have a civilized discussion. They have yet to settle on a date or location for their proposed cage match. Representatives from X and Meta have not responded to requests for comment.
Key takeaways:
- Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg attended a closed-door Senate meeting on AI, where they were seated far apart.
- The two tech moguls have been feuding since 2016, with tensions escalating after the launch of Zuckerberg's Threads, a rival to Musk's platform, X.
- Musk and Zuckerberg had previously considered resolving their differences in a cage match, but no date or location has been set for this.
- Despite their differences, Musk described the Senate meeting as a 'very civilized discussion' among some of the world's smartest people.