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Fight Health Insurance platform uses AI to appeal claim denials

Aug 27, 2024 -
San Francisco tech worker Holden Karau has developed an open-source platform, Fight Health Insurance, that uses AI to help users generate health insurance appeals. The platform allows users to scan their insurance denial, after which it crafts several appeal letters for them to choose from and modify. Karau, who has successfully appealed more than 90% of her own insurance denials, hopes the platform will encourage more people to fight back against insurance rejections.

The platform has been used by dozens of people so far, and Karau is using their feedback to improve it. She has spent about $10,000 building the platform, which is currently free for users, although she may eventually charge for added services. While she does not plan to leave her tech job to work on the platform full time, she hopes it can become a self-sustaining business.

Key takeaways:

  • San Francisco tech worker Holden Karau has developed an open-source platform called Fight Health Insurance, which uses AI to help users generate health insurance appeals.
  • The platform allows users to scan their insurance denial, and the system will craft several appeal letters to choose from and modify.
  • While the platform is currently free for users, Karau may eventually charge for added services like faxing appeals.
  • Despite not planning to leave her tech job, Karau hopes the platform can become a self-sustaining business and increase the accessibility of appeals, thereby forcing insurance companies to reduce unnecessary denials.
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