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Figma pulls AI tool after criticism that it ripped off Apple’s design

Jul 02, 2024 -
Figma's new tool, Make Designs, which uses generative AI to quickly mock up apps, has been pulled after it produced designs strikingly similar to Apple’s iOS weather app. Figma CEO Dylan Field admitted the fault, blaming the rush to meet a deadline and defended the company's approach to AI development. The AI models used by Figma, OpenAI’s GPT-4o and Amazon’s Titan Image Generator G1, were not trained by Figma, leading to speculation that they may have been trained on Apple's designs.

Figma CTO Kris Rasmussen stated that the company did not want to improve its features through training until it was transparent about its AI training policies with its users. He also mentioned that the company is planning to train its own models to perfect design workflows. The company is currently reviewing its design system to ensure sufficient variation and quality standards. Despite the issue, Figma plans to re-enable Make Designs soon and other AI features will continue to be available in beta.

Key takeaways:

  • Figma's new tool, Make Designs, was pulled after it created designs similar to Apple's iOS weather app.
  • The AI models used by Figma's Make Designs are OpenAI’s GPT-4o and Amazon’s Titan Image Generator G1, and there are suggestions that these models may have been trained on Apple's designs.
  • Figma CEO Dylan Field and CTO Kris Rasmussen have both stated that Figma did not train the AI models used in Make Designs.
  • Figma is planning to improve its processes to catch potential issues in the future, and expects to re-enable Make Designs soon.
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