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Filings: Michael Dell plans to sell 10M Dell shares worth $1.3B, after selling $1.6B in shares earlier in 2024; Dell sold $1.7B in 1999 before the bubble burst

Jun 12, 2024 -
This is a Techmeme archive page from June 12, 2024, providing a snapshot of the site as it appeared at 6:30 AM ET. The page features top news from various sources including CNN, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, The Verge, Financial Express, The Guardian, Silicon Republic, and many others. It also includes tweets from various tech personalities and influencers.

The page also features sponsored posts from Tribe AI, a company that helps organizations deploy AI solutions. It also provides information about hiring in the tech industry. The page also includes links to more news from other sources, forums, and earlier picks. It ends with a list of upcoming tech events and a note about the page being an archive.

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