However, the tool has shown some inconsistencies in its answers. For instance, it included Nikki Haley as a current candidate for the 2024 US presidential election, despite her having already dropped out of the race. The bot is still in beta, and FT is tracking every question and response to refine the model and its code. The company is also open to changing the AI model powering the bot if a better one is found.
Key takeaways:
- The Financial Times has launched a new AI chatbot called Ask FT that can answer questions from subscribers using the outlet’s decades of published information.
- Ask FT is currently available to a few hundred paid subscribers in the FT Professional tier and is powered by Claude, a large language model developed by Anthropic.
- The chatbot can provide responses to questions about current events and broader queries, and it cites the FT articles it pulls information from.
- Ask FT is still in beta and the FT is continuing to test and evaluate it, tracking every question and response and user feedback.