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Findly - Chat with your Google Analytics 4 data

Dec 20, 2023 -
Findly is an AI-powered tool that allows users to interact with Google Analytics 4 data through a chat interface. Users can ask questions like, "How many MAU did we have last month?" and Findly will process the query, dive into the GA4 data, and provide tailored visualizations. The tool also offers seamless authentication with Google Analytics and the ability to quickly export comprehensive PDF reports of findings.

The tool aims to improve company-wide decision making by providing instant information. It streamlines the process of extracting insights from data, making it efficient and simple. Findly also offers real-time insights, translating data into understandable business language. It integrates with both Google Analytics and Slack, allowing users to communicate and share insights within the Slack environment. The pricing model is based on the number of users, the amount of data queried, and the level of support required.

Key takeaways:

  • Findly is an AI-powered tool that allows users to interact with Google Analytics 4 data in a conversational manner, making data exploration and report generation more efficient and accessible.
  • Findly integrates with Google Analytics and Slack, enabling users to communicate with their data and share insights within their team's communication platform.
  • Findly's pricing model is tiered and based on the number of users, the amount of data queried, and the level of support required. They also offer premium support and customization options for organizations that require additional assistance.
  • To get started with Findly, users can sign up for a free plan and begin exploring the tool immediately. The Findly team is available for guidance and support to ensure users can make the most out of the tool.
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