The platform also offers features to track investor engagement, providing instant feedback and detailed analytics on investor engagement. Users can monitor which investors are most engaged, see detailed analytics on every deck view, and learn about investors’ theses, areas of expertise, and investment preferences. However, Flowlie does not contact investors on behalf of the user, it is a fundraising automation and analytics platform. The information input into Flowlie is always private and under the user's control.
Key takeaways:
- Flowlie is an all-in-one Fundraising Hub that helps founders plan their rounds, prepare investor outreach, share their decks and one-pagers, and track investor engagement.
- The platform offers tools such as a round builder, dilution calculator, suggested terms, an investor database, and investor intro paths to help founders with their fundraising efforts.
- Flowlie also provides a deck sharing experience optimized for fundraising, allowing founders to impress investors with a time-tested one-pager including company background and round information.
- With Flowlie, founders can track investor engagement, view detailed analytics on their engagement, and know when to follow up. The platform also offers features like access manager, session insights, and investor profiles.