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Formshare - Create conversational AI forms, for free | Product Hunt

Jun 05, 2024 -
Formshare, a platform that allows users to create interactive, conversational AI forms without any coding, has been launched. Users can describe the form they want to create using natural language, and the AI will handle the rest. The platform was launched in the categories of Productivity, Marketing, and Artificial Intelligence by Formshare, and was hunted by Nikolay. The makers, Petko D. Petkov and Ivana, have credited Clerk and ChatBotKit for their contributions in building the platform.

The platform, which is free and was featured on June 5th, 2024, has not been rated yet and this is its first launch. It has already garnered 41 followers and 38 upvotes. The platform also boasts of a CRM for startups, Fireberry, which is free forever. The launch also includes a discussion on new Product Hunt features and releases, community discussions, and events for meeting others online and in-person.

Key takeaways:

  • Formshare is a platform that allows users to create interactive, conversational AI forms without code.
  • The AI forms can be created simply by describing the form using natural language.
  • The platform was launched in the categories of Productivity, Marketing, and Artificial Intelligence.
  • This is Formshare's first launch, and it was featured on June 5th, 2024.
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