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French far-right leader seeks to take advantage of AI debate

Oct 02, 2023 -
Jordan Bardella, the president of the far-right party Rassemblement National (RN), is advocating for the creation of European AI champions, despite his party's conservative position. Bardella, who has been focusing on artificial intelligence for the past year, spoke at a symposium in Paris about the urgent need for a European public policy in the AI sector. He believes that AI could be a solution to labor shortages in sectors such as agriculture or robotics and could help increase productivity.

Bardella's interest in AI is seen as both a personal passion and a political move. He has expressed his admiration for the book "Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow" by Yuval Noah Harari, which discusses the potential future of humanity with technology. Bardella's stance on AI is somewhere between "naive technophilia and messianism" and "neo-Luddism," which opposes technological progress. He believes that society will have to come to terms with AI as a significant factor of progress and comfort for mankind.

Key takeaways:

  • Jordan Bardella, the president of the far-right party Rassemblement National (RN), is advocating for the creation of European AI champions, a stance that contrasts with his party's conservative position.
  • Bardella has been emphasizing the importance of artificial intelligence for the past year, referring to it as "the other 'great replacement'" in reference to a racist theory.
  • He has expressed interest in the book _Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow_ by Yuval Noah Harari, which predicts two possible developments for humanity influenced by technology and AI.
  • Bardella believes that society will have to "come to terms with AI," viewing it as a potential solution to labor shortages in sectors like agriculture or robotics, and a means to boost stagnating productivity.
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