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From information to impact - The rise of autonomous analytics | Capgemini

Feb 27, 2024 -
The article discusses the role of autonomous analytics platforms like Aible in providing actionable insights from high-fidelity data, complementing traditional BI tools. These platforms can evaluate vast amounts of data, identify statistically relevant insights, and present them in an accessible manner. Aible's patented technology can explore millions of data cuts in minutes, at a fraction of the cost, and can work in standalone mode or in conjunction with popular BI platforms. The platform can also export native BI tool dashboards and monitor KPIs, identifying significant trends and shifts.

The article emphasizes the importance of data granularity for maximizing the benefits of autonomous analytics platforms. Aible uses granular transaction data tagged with raw and engineered attributes to generate key insights and enable users to ask business-oriented questions. The platform includes a generative AI system that allows users to ask questions about the drivers and their impact on KPIs in plain English. Aible can deliver insights in near real-time, enabling firms to respond quickly to market threats and opportunities. The platform also provides guardrails to securely scale insights from generative AI responses.

Key takeaways:

  • Autonomous analytics platforms like Aible can provide actionable insights from vast amounts of data, complementing traditional BI tools and driving better business outcomes.
  • Aible's patented technology can explore millions of data cuts in minutes, offering scalability, cost-efficiency, and speed.
  • These platforms work best when complementing popular BI platforms, evaluating raw and engineered data, determining key insights, and auto-generating the KPI driver view.
  • Data granularity is essential for autonomous analytics platforms, allowing them to generate key insights and enable users to ask business-specific questions.
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