The article provides information on how subscribers can save their User ID and Password for a website to avoid entering these details each time they visit. To enable this feature, users need to check the 'Save my User ID and Password' box in the log-in section, which will save the password on the computer being used to access the site.
However, the article also warns that using the log-out feature will erase the saved information. Consequently, users will have to re-enter their User ID and Password the next time they visit the site.
Key takeaways:
Some subscribers prefer to save their log-in information for convenience.
To save log-in information, check the 'Save my User ID and Password' box in the log-in section.
This function will save the password on the computer being used to access the site.
If the log-out feature is used, all saved information will be lost and the user will be required to log-in again during the next visit.