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Germany Boosts AI Research with Massive Billion-Euro Funding to Rival China, US Dominance

Aug 23, 2023 -
Germany plans to invest nearly a billion euros in AI research over the next two years, aiming to compete with AI leaders China and the U.S. The plan, announced by research minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger, includes the creation of 150 AI research labs within universities, expansion of data centers, and democratization of public datasets. Despite the U.S. government's $3.3 billion AI research spending and private AI spending of $47.4 billion in 2022, Stark-Watzinger remains optimistic about Germany's competitive edge due to Europe's unique regulatory framework prioritizing privacy and personal safety.

Germany's AI startup ecosystem is also growing, with a doubling in the number of AI startups in 2023. Private funding is flowing into German AI firms, with Deepset securing $30 million in funding, Kern AI securing €2.7 million, and delphai raising €4.7 million, including a €900,000 grant from the German government. Despite this growth, Germany currently holds the ninth spot in the global AI startup ranking.

Key takeaways:

  • Germany plans to invest nearly a billion euros into AI research over the next two years, aiming to compete with AI leaders like China and the U.S.
  • The comprehensive plan includes the creation of 150 AI research labs within universities, expansion of data centers, and democratization of public datasets.
  • Germany's AI startup ecosystem is growing, with a doubling in the number of AI startups in 2023 and significant private funding flowing into German AI firms.
  • Despite the growth, Germany holds the ninth spot in the global AI startup ranking, but remains optimistic due to its unique regulatory framework that prioritizes privacy and personal safety.
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