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GitHub - bennyschmidt/next-token-prediction: Next-token prediction in JavaScript — build fast LLMs from scratch!

Apr 11, 2024 -
The markdown data provides information about a language model called Next-Token Prediction. This model, which can be installed using npm, predicts the next word, phrase, or pixel based on a body of text. It can be used as an alternative to decoder-only models like GPT and Mistral. The model can be trained using built-in data or custom text files, and it can be used for tasks like auto-completion, auto-correct, spell checking, and search/lookup.

The document also provides instructions on how to use the model, both in a simple and advanced manner. In the simple usage, the model is trained on .txt files located in a /training/documents/ directory. In the advanced usage, users can either use a bootstrapped dataset and embeddings or train the model on their own text files. The document also mentions that the model was inspired by a 3Blue1Brown video on YouTube and that the goal is to provide a high-quality token prediction library and demystify language models.

Key takeaways:

  • The Next-Token Prediction is a language model that can predict the next word, phrase, or pixel based on a body of text. It can be used as an alternative to decoder-only models like GPT and Mistral.
  • The model can be installed using npm and can be used in two ways: simple (from a built-in data bootstrap) and advanced (providing 'trainingData' or creating it from .txt files).
  • The model can be used for auto-completion, auto-correct, spell checking, and search/lookup. It aims to demystify LLMs and simplify methodologies.
  • The project is inspired by a 3Blue1Brown video on YouTube and aims to create a high-quality, free/open LLM in JavaScript.
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