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GitHub - bsilverthorn/maccarone: AI-managed code blocks in Python ⏪⏩

Sep 03, 2023 -
Maccarone is a Python tool that allows developers to delegate sections of their code to AI ownership. It works by the user marking sections of their code with special comments, which the AI then fills in with the appropriate code. This tool is particularly useful for repetitive or boilerplate code, and it can be used in the VS Code extension or directly from the command line. The AI used is GPT-4 and it requires an OpenAI API key to function.

The tool can rewrite all files in a directory and it's recommended to use it on files in source control. However, users should be aware that they will be charged by OpenAI for the API calls made by Maccarone. The cost is proportional to the size of the completed code and can't be accurately predicted in advance. The tool is likely to work with non-English languages, but less likely than English. The term "maccarone" refers to a macaronic language, a mixed language, typically medieval, written in a mixture of languages.

Key takeaways:

  • Maccarone is a Python tool that allows you to delegate sections of your code to AI ownership, which can automatically fill in the sections you've delegated.
  • The tool can be used via a VS Code extension or directly from the command line after installing it from PyPI.
  • Maccarone uses the OpenAI API key with GPT-4 to write code, and users will be charged by OpenAI for the API calls made.
  • The tool can rewrite all files in a directory, but caution is advised as it should probably only be run on files in source control.
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