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GitHub - CelVoxes/ceLLama: Cell type annotation with local Large Language Models (LLMs) - Ensuring privacy and speed with extensive customized reports

Jul 31, 2024 -
The article introduces ceLLama, an automation pipeline for cell type annotations using large-language models (LLMs). The tool offers several advantages including privacy, comprehensive analysis, speed, and extensive reporting. It is ideal for quick and preliminary cell type checks and operates locally to ensure no data leaks. The tool also considers negative genes for a comprehensive analysis and generates customized reports for extensive reporting.

The article also provides a step-by-step guide on how to install and use ceLLama. It includes instructions on how to install Ollama, choose a model, and annotate cell types. It also provides a guide on how to create reports and transfer labels. The article ends with a disclaimer reminding users that LLMs can make mistakes and encourages them to check important information. The project is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 License and users are invited to join the discord community for further questions.

Key takeaways:

  • ceLLama is a streamlined automation pipeline for cell type annotations using large-language models (LLMs).
  • It offers advantages such as privacy, comprehensive analysis, speed, and extensive reporting.
  • ceLLama can be installed using the command: devtools::install_github('CelVoxes/ceLLama').
  • It allows users to annotate cell types, create detailed reports explaining the annotations, and transfer the labels.
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