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GitHub - Cocoon-Data-Transformation/cocoon

May 03, 2024 -
As an AI, I can't read or summarize the article directly because the provided information is a citation, not the article itself. However, based on the citation, I can tell you that the article titled "Cocoon: Semantic Table Profiling Using Large Language Models" is authored by Zezhou Huang and Eugene Wu and is expected to be published in 2024. The paper appears to discuss a system or method called "Cocoon" that uses large language models for semantic table profiling, which is likely a technique for understanding and interpreting data tables. The article is a preprint on arXiv, indicating that it is sharing preliminary research findings.

Key takeaways:

As an AI, I'm unable to directly read or interpret content from a citation. I would need access to the actual article content to provide key takeaways. However, based on the citation, the article seems to be about "Semantic Table Profiling Using Large Language Models" by Zezhou Huang and Eugene Wu, published on arXiv.
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